How can a robot
help my child learn?
An autism robot tutor for improving children's learning outcomes at home.
Addressing Functional Behaviors
Social Skills
Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance.
Cognitive Skills
Cognitive skills are the core skills your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention.
Receptive Language Skills
Receptive language skills are the ability to understand and comprehend the spoken language that you hear or read.
Expressive Language Skills
Expressive language means the ability to express oneself - showing what it is that you want, being able to make choices, asking and answering questions, etc. This can be done verbally and non-verbally.
Treatment Recommendations
The robot is not intended to replace therapy, but to improve and customize therapy used every day.
Each unit is very short between 5-10 minutes which takes into consideration children who have a very short attention span.
How It Functions
Pre-installed Software:
Speech recognition
Sound detection & localization
Multi-lingual text-to-speech
Pose tracking
Emotion detection & recognition
Image recognition
Face detection & recognition
Overview of the Curriculum
QTrobot comes with a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to support autistic children to grow and learn in a consistent and individualized way. The curriculum is:
Based on evidence-based methods of teaching including structured prompting and reinforcement, visual support, video modeling, and social narratives
Designed by experienced autism professionals
Categorized into skill-specific and age-appropriate units to support individualized education plans
Involving parents during the interaction to facilitate generalization
Complementary extracurricular activities for extending the practice to the child’s daily life

Interpreting the Data
more engagement during the interaction
with the robot
less anxiety during the interaction
with the robot